Your Next-Level Spring Cleaning Checklist


Spring is on its way! Along with the fresh smell of new flowers, you might catch a whiff of spring cleaning coming in on the breeze. Spring is on its way! Along with the fresh smell of new flowers, you might catch a whiff of spring cleaning coming in on the breeze.

As a homeowner in Boulder county, your spring cleaning routine needs a few special considerations.

Snow damage, regional allergens and problems created by hard water can necessitate a more thorough spring cleaning checklist that goes beyond the typical wipe, scrub and wash.

That’s why we’ve rounded up 6 spring cleaning tips for every room in your house that go beyond the ordinary. Read on for our expert cleaning tips to get your home ready to spring into the new season.

In the Living Room

Your living room is where your kids, pets and friends gather, which is why it’s so important to keep it clean and comfy. And all that traffic probably means you’ve got a lot of dirt, dander and dust to pull out of the carpets, drapes and furniture this spring.

Window Screens

  • These can get full of dirt and gunk throughout the year.
  • Take them out of your window. Splash a little kerosene on a rag and rub down the screens with it. Wash off the kerosene with soap and water.
  • Make sure you do this in a well-ventilated area — although it’s effective for cleaning, kerosene gives off noxious fumes.
  • Be sure you dispose of the kerosene rag safely, as it can be flammable.


  • Throw these in the fluff cycle in your dryer with a damp towel, which will help collect the dust collected in the drapes.

Leather Furniture

  • Condition your leather furniture once a year to give it a longer and stronger life.
  • Vacuum up any dust and debris, then clean the leather using a household solution such as soap and water, or a vinegar and olive oil solution (1 part vinegar + 1 part EVOO).


On the Roof

Your roof tiles can take a beating over the winter, especially in the Front Range. And in the spring, tour roof can see almost every season in one day — from hail to snow to rain to sunshine and back again.

Check for damage

  • Start by checking the interior of your house for any signs of water or mold damage.
  • Look in the attic, ceilings of closets, around chimneys and skylights, and above cabinets.
  • Water damage in any of these places could indicate a problem in your roof.

Replacing your roof

  • Depending on what you find, you may need to replace a few tiles or do some patchwork.
  • While you’re on the roof, make sure the gutters and roof are clear of debris.
  • This is also a good time to take down any obsolete antennae or an old satellite dish.
  • Check to see if any trees have grown to come in contact with the roof. If so, trim these branches so they can’t damage your roof.
  • A roofing professional can also help you diagnose the needs of your roof.

In the Kitchen

For many people, the kitchen is the center of the home. It’s where the food that gets you through the day is stored, it’s where the meal that brings your family together is prepared, it’s where you sneak to for a snack during the late show.
The kitchen is also a top destination hotspot for bacteria, mold, insects, and mice. Keeping it clean is essential to keeping the pests away.


  • Bacteria can fester in the nooks and crannies in your dishwasher, and your typical dish soap might not kill it all.
  • Pick up Dishwasher Magic or another similar product designed to knock out E.coli, and run a cycle with the dishwasher empty to take care of any potential bacterial problems.


  • A lot of people go years without thinking to clean the inside of the freezer, but it’s a good idea to do this once a year, particularly because a clean freezer runs more efficiently, which means savings on your energy bill.
  • Defrost the freezer by turning off power at the circuit breaker (you’ll have to move any food to another location for the time being, so it’s good to do this when the icebox is looking a little low), then wipe it out with a surface cleaner or a homemade solution of baking soda and hot water.


  • The condenser coils are what helps your fridge stay cold. If they’re dirty, this could keep the refrigerator from running efficiently and affect its ability to reach extra cold temps.
  • Look up how to reach the coils for your specific model (probably on the back, bottom, or sometimes on the top). You may need the help of a professional to reach the coils.
  • Be sure to unplug the fridge before you pull it away from the wall to prevent the possibility of getting shocked.
  • You can use a brush on the coil or just vacuum them to remove dust, pet hair, dirt, or whatever else you may find (oh, that’s where the other half of that left-over burrito went!).

Coffee Maker

  • The inside of your coffee maker is a great host for mold, bacteria, and calcium build-up, which can be more prominent in the Boulder/Denver area in the winter due to increased water hardness.
  • Clean out your coffee maker every few months, or every month if you’ve got particularly hard water in your home.
  • Run a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water through your machine, followed by two runs of just water.

In the Bathroom

All the water in your bathroom can be a perfect breeding ground for bacterial growth and mold. Here’s how to give your bathroom the rub-down it needs this spring.


  • Just like vinegar works to remove hard-water scale from your coffee maker, it can also clean similar build-up in the bathroom.
  • Soak faucets and showerheads in vinegar (if you can’t remove them, fill a plastic bag with vinegar and tape it over the head).
  • Stop up the drains in your tub and sink and fill with enough vinegar to cover the metal parts and the area around the drain.
  • Let sit for at least 30 minutes then rinse clean with water.

Shower Liner

  • Toss your shower liner in the washing machine with any towels that need cleaning (the towels will help scrub the liner).

Discover more DIY homemade cleaners to keep your bathroom fresh year-round >

In the Bedroom

Your bedroom should be your sanctuary for rest and relaxation. And a messy or dirty bedroom isn’t an ideal setting for a mental and physical reset.

Give yourself inner-peace once again with these cleaning tips for your bedroom:

Cleaning Your Mattress

  • Your mattress will wear down over time, but you can make sure this happens evenly and extend the life of the mattress by flipping it once a year.
  • Vacuum your mattress to pull up dead skin and dust.

Storing Winter Clothes

  • Spring is a great time to go through all your clothes and decide what to keep and what to get rid of, and to store your winter clothes properly until the mercury drops again.
  • Go through all your clothes and decide what to donate, consign and keep. If you haven’t worn it in at least a year, it’s probably time to let it go.
  • Store your fall/winter clothing ‘upside-down’: Fold and stack the clothes you won’t need in the spring and summer in storage containers with the coldest weather items at the bottom and the lighter stuff at top.
  • That way when it starts to cool down again or if there’s an unexpected chilly evening, you’ve got easy access to what you need.

After you’ve breathed new life into your home with a thorough cleaning, the next challenge is how to keep it that way. And when it comes to the tornado-like energy of kids and pets, keeping your home clean can be a mighty feat.

Don’t hesitate to call the experts at General Services Corporation to cover all your cleaning needs this sprint. From house cleaning and lawn maintenance to chimney and carpet cleaning, we’ve got you covered. Contact us for more information on all our cleaning and maintenance services >