When winter rolls around in the Boulder area, most property managers’ needs change drastically. Keeping your properties free from wintertime hazards is both important and necessary, but managing all of these dangers can be a real challenge.
Fortunately, General Services Corporation (GSC) does much more than just snow removal. From snow shoveling to ice removal to snow plowing, GSC is always prepared for the worst-case winter scenario. Find out what GSC can do for your property this winter, and learn how GSC can be your ultimate risk manager.
Snow Shoveling Services

In the Longmont area, you can expect an average of 90 inches of snow to fall any time from early fall to late spring. No matter when those snowflakes fall, it’s a property manager’s legal duty to keep the property clean and clear of accumulation and slippery spots. If you’ve ever decided not to deal with a minor snowfall or if you’ve thought about just letting the snow melt by itself, it’s time to reconsider.
The snow removal regulations in Longmont specify that property owners and managers must clear away any fallen snow within 24 hours. That means you’re not responsible for just the private sidewalks that your tenants use to get to their homes. You’re also responsible for managing snowfall on the public sidewalks that encircle or abut your property.
When you hire GSC to handle your property’s snow removal needs, you’re getting much more than a guy with a snow shovel. You’re getting nearly forty years of experience with commercial and residential snow removal in the Boulder area.
At GSC, we take snow removal so seriously that we employ one of only seven Certified Snow Professionals (CSPs) in Colorado. Recognized by the Snow & Ice Management Association, a CSP offers proven expertise when it comes to everything from snow science to ice techniques to human resources. That means a CSP has a complete understanding of how and when snow and ice form as well as the logistics of removal.
Ice Removal Services
Ice is one of the most dangerous winter hazards, and it’s also one of the trickiest to deal with. Though ice sometimes falls in the form of sleet or freezing drizzle, more often than not, this slippery substance forms later on. Everything from melting snow to packed down snow can turn into ice in the right environmental conditions, which creates an unsafe surface for your tenants.
Shoveling snow, removing ice, and abiding by city regulations might seem like a breeze after the first snowfall. With each additional storm and accumulation, however, keeping pathways clear and managing snow removal becomes increasingly difficult. From the first snowfall to the last, GSC will ensure that your property is free from winter hazards.
Our decades of experience include working with a full range of clients, from residential properties to corporate office buildings to homeowners’ associations. With almost 100 employees and 24-hour coverage, we’ll make sure your properties are clear of dangerous ice patches and slippery spots with our professional ice control applications. We use only top-of-the-line ice solutions, and we can handle everything from sidewalks to parking lots with our ice melt spreaders. If there’s even a chance of snowfall or ice formation, we’re available to help.
Snow Plowing Services

From minor snowfalls to full-on blizzards, winter weather in the Boulder area is filled with surprises. That’s why GSC is prepared with just about every kind of snow removal equipment you could possibly need. We use everything from snow blowers to shovels to remove snow from sidewalks and pathways, and we keep parking lots and larger areas clear with snowplows and front-end loaders. Whether the snow falls during the day or in the middle of the night, we’re prepared with all of the necessary equipment.
Handling winter weather needs professionally and safely comes with a price tag, but keep in mind that opting not to manage snow and ice can become much more costly. In most Boulder-area communities, local authorities respond to complaints of snow accumulation and dangerous ice patches by fining property owners. The snow removal regulations in Boulder specify that property managers must pay a $100 fine for their first snow-related offense, and each subsequent issue can get more costly. In fact, repeated offenses can result in fines as high as $1,000 and three months in jail.
If municipal fines weren’t bad enough, tenants and members of the general public can sue property owners and managers if they experience serious harm as a result of slips and falls in winter weather. Snow and ice are no laughing matter, and a fall on a slippery sidewalk can result in medical costs that escalate quickly. That’s one of the reasons GSC maintains a $4 million property insurance and liability insurance policy. When you consider that slips and falls can lead to multi-million-dollar lawsuits, it’s clear that as a property manager, you’re responsible for managing this risk.
Risk Management for Winter Weather
A long, snowy season in Boulder and surrounding communities can quickly get expensive for property managers. You might be tempted to hire the cheapest help possible in order to keep costs down, but this is rarely a good idea. After all, hiring amateurs to take on such an important job usually means the work won’t be done to a professional standard, and you’ll end up putting your tenants at risk.
Experienced professionals like GSC do so much more than shovel snow. We understand the legal requirements for keeping each Boulder-area community clear. With years of risk management under our belts, we also know what keeps residents safe in winter weather situations. When you hire GSC to manage your winter weather issues like ice removal and snow shoveling, you can rest assured that your property is safe and clear of winter hazards.
This winter, don’t wing it, and don’t be caught unprepared. Hire GSC to handle all of your winter weather needs, and you’ll ensure that your tenants can get to work or home safely, and you can sleep easy.